11 comments for “Caryn Hartglass Speaks at 2012 Veggie Pride Parade in Manhattan

  1. Caryn:
    I no longer require shoe inserts to cushion my heels. Am I being foolish in crediting this to the VEGAN diet?
    P.S. Regards to Gary.

    • We are very proud of you! The Vegan diet works miracles and you are a smart guy to notice the subtle improvements.

  2. Kudos, Caryn! great, dynamic, educational talk. Many thanks for all the great educational work you are doing. It was great being on your great radio show recently discussing my new book, “Who Stole my Religion? Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal Our Imperiled Planet.” The threats from climate change and other environmental problemsis so great and the denial about the need for shifts to plant-based diets is so widespread that I have made the eBook version of my book freely available at a link at whostolemyreligion.com.

  3. Listened to your interview with Sean Prophet Sunday and have since “liked” your facebook page, which I’ll stay tuned into now. This is a great video! Really appreciate your enthusiasm, gusto for healthy eating/living, and compassionate message!

  4. Very powerful,inspiring speech!
    I couldn’t be more proud of you!!
    Wishing you great success in all you do!!
    May G-D bless you and shine upon you!

  5. Great bit. Will share in my part of the social media world. After being interviewed by you, it was quite something to see your powerful, energetic message. So when’s your book out?

  6. Caryn:
    Did Mom tell you I am no longer allergic to flowering trees and grass since I went on the VEGAN diet.
    P.S.Regards to Gary

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