Be Sure Your Water is Pure


one-sip-aquanuiThe Environmental Working Group recently updated its reporting on Chromium-6 revealing that there are potentially unsafe concentrations of this carcinogenic chemical for two-thirds of Americans. The best way to remove this chemical along with so many other contaminants that may be lurking regularly or periodically in your tap water, get what we use at Responsible Eating And Living headquarters, the Aquanui Distiller, made in the USA. We believe water distillation is the best choice and after to using many other distillers we are convinced that the Aquanui Distiller is the best choice. Distillation is also our best choice for removing Arsenic, Lead, Chlorine, Floride, Lead, Nitrates, Bacteria, Uranium and Pesticides.

Be safe. Be Sure. Drink pure, clean water. Distill your water with Aquanui.

One of the big differences between less expensive distillers and Aquanui is how Courtney Meder explained it in the interview on IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD:

“Well one thing too, as far as the design difference between our counter top unit and any others that I have seen on the market, ours do not boil dry. After each batch, you will actually have some water left behind in the boiling tank. This is to keep the heating element submerged so that it does not exceed 212°F inside the boiling tank. Because what happens when it boils dry and there’s nothing left to boil, it heats up very fast and can burn off contaminants that are meant to be left behind and can affect the purity of your distilled water. For that reason, we leave water behind and it often makes maintenance a lot easier. You are not taking that residue every time. Your heating elements will last longer. It also makes it safer to use. I know there’s been a recall on some of those others at one point for a safety hazard.”

We’ve found this to be true. The Aquanui does not have the same crusty dried up residue on the sidewalls. We are glad to know the residual contamination is not being burned off into our clean water! You can see and taste the difference.

Learn About Water Distillers by Pure Water
MADE in the USA
REAL Savings!
For 5% off base cost of distiller use this code: 301806
Listen to the interview with Courtney Meder who works at Pure & Secure (home of the original Pure Water Distillers) in Lincoln, Nebraska. She and her family have dedicated their lives to spreading awareness about toxins in the water supply and how distillation is the best way for a family to protect their loved ones from these harmful toxins.

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