What Vegans Eat – Day 1206


Lunch: I was up late, got up late and wasn’t ready to eat until noon time. Gary left for California yesterday and I will be joining him in several weeks. I am motivated to clear out the cupboards and eat what we have until I leave since we’ll be gone for most of the summer. Where to begin? We had cooked Rancho Gordo Lima Beans, our whole grain blend of three rices and millet, the new Thaimeric Tomato Sauce I created and cooked Collard Greens. I thought I would start with the Lima Beans and blend them into a soup. I cooked the creamy bean blend with Carrots and Mushroom and made up a spice mix. We buy our organic spices in bulk and store them in well-sealed tins. We save money this way and always have all the herbs and spices we crave at our fingertips. Who needs to buy bouillon cubes with unnecessary artificial ingredients, oil and loads of salt? This is easy, tasty and fun. I took a bowl and filled it with lots of onion powder, garlic powder, turmeric, pepper and smoky paprika.

I ate my soup on the terrace outside.

Snack: For a snack I took an Apple.

Dinner: Keeping things easy, I finished the soup I made for lunch and had some of the Whole Grain Blend topped with Thaimeric Tomato Sauce and some Black Olives.


  6 comments for “What Vegans Eat – Day 1206

  1. What kind of tins do you use for your spices? Did you order them online? I just ordered a ton of bulk organic spices, now I need to find a way to store them. Thx

      • Thank you! Those are the same ones I just ordered before seeing your reply. This will be so much easier than having all different bottles & bags. I will miss the convience of one stop online ordering from Penzey’s…but worth it to have all organic. I think I’ll need to order from Mountain Rose, Frontier & Starwood to get everything I’ll need. I’ll check Vitacost first since they carry some Frontier & Starwood. I love your radio show & website…so inspiring.

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