What Vegans Eat – Day 967


Breakfast: Ann Hodgman, author of Vegan Food for the Rest of Us, who I interviewed recently posted an article on Facebook by someone who wrote about celery and how much they hated it. I kept thinking about how I loved it! And then I craved it. Celery with Peanut Butter was my choice for breakfast.
Lunch: Feverishly working at the computer, trying to get everything done before our trip to California tomorrow, I worked up a big hunger, “un faim de loup” or a wolf’s hunger as the French would say. Magically, Gary appeared with a fully loaded Smoothie, made with Strawberries, Blueberries and Kale and whatever else he found in the refrigerator that needed to be eaten by tomorrow that would blend well.
Dinner: The last of the perishable food went into the Dutch Oven for Stew with Tempeh, Roasted Red Peppers, Black Olives, Colorful Carrots, Red Onions, Plum Tomatoes, and Dried Apricots, served with Baked Fries and some leftover Baked Tofu and a Kale Salad.
You couldn’t see the Tempeh buried under the veggies in the Dutch Oven. Here it is, stunning and delicious.

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