248 search results for "pancake"

Fluffy Pancakes, SOS-Free!

Fluffy pancakes, sos-free

This is a variation on our regular Fluffy Pancakes only this recipe is salt, oil and sugar-free. This secret to the fluffiness is carbonated water. When using wheat flour, we love Einkorn. Considered one of the oldest grains known in the history of agriculture, we think it’s the most delicious in all kinds of baked…

Fluffy Pancakes

Heart Pancakes

When using wheat flour, we love Einkorn. Considered one of the oldest grains known in the history of agriculture, we think it’s the most delicious in all kinds of baked goods. Einkorn also is the only wheat known to not have been hybridized. Ingredients: 1 cup flour: we use 1/2 cup organic white Einkorn and…

My visit to IHOP, the International House of Pancakes.

When I was a kid I loved going to the International House of Pancakes. IHOP was a fun place to get fluffy pancakes topped with gooey sweet syrups. My favorite choice was Boysenberry. I had no idea what a Boysenberry was, but it was fun to say and I loved sugar and their syrup was…

Late Night Corn Pancakes, Gluten-Free

We make a lot of pancakes in our house and have a number of pancake recipes (and waffles too) to choose from. This may be the new favorite. They are wonderful for breakfast or brunch and especially delicious late at night! Update 4/22/2020: I recently made this pancakes using 2/3 cup polenta and 1 cup…

Scallion Pancakes, Version 2 with Peanut Sauce

I’ve always loved scallion pancakes. When I make them at home, I go for a healthier, less oily version than what I find in restaurants. When I first made them, I veganized a recipe that used wheat flour. Then I went to a gluten-free version using rice flour. Knowing now about the high levels of…

Valentine’s Day Pancakes

Heart-shaped, love-filled, vegan, gluten-free pancakes for Valentine’s Day, or Vegantine’s Day, as we like to call it or any day you want to treat someone special with something special.     RECIPE: 2/3 cup sorghum Flour 2/3 cup garfava Flour 2/3 cup potato starch 4 tablespoons ground flax seeds (buy about a pound of seeds,…

Turnip Pancakes

This is a variation on our baked potato pancake recipe. Turnips have a sweet flavor with a mild bite, a great winter dish.   Turnips or Rutabagas (about 2 pounds, washed and peeled) 1 large onion, peeled 1/4-1/2 cup flour (all purpose flour, wheat or gluten-free) 1-2 Tablespoons olive oil (optional – if you are…

Chestnut Flour Pancakes, Gluten-free

During my interview with Elizabeth Wholey, author of Sustenance, she promised to send me a bag of chestnut flour when it was in season in Italy. And she did! I just received the flour and here is the first thing I made with it – chestnut pancakes. I made up a quick recipe and the…