Caryn Hartglass

What Vegans Eat – Debut

I have been asked so many times, “what do you eat?” Five years ago I did an IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD SHOW entitled “A Week Of Eating Vegan” where I kept a journal of what I ate all week and spoke about it on the show. I have received a lot of great feedback on…

A Thanksgiving Story: Turkey, Turnips, Transfusions

Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we go… As a child I loved the images in that song and thought of them every Thanksgiving as my family took off to my grandparents’ home, a one-bedroom apartment in Bayside, New York, where the Matinecock Native American first settled in 2000 B.C.  I’d…

A visit to the Head and Neck Cancer Congress

Early this morning I headed to the Marriott Marquis for the Head and Neck Cancer Congress opening ceremonies where actor Michael Douglas was the featured guest speaker. As an ovarian cancer survivor I am interested in all kinds of cancer research. A few weeks ago, I received an invitation to attend this event, the largest…

My Passover Tears

The Passover holiday begins today and so does my ambivalence. I love traditions, story telling, special holiday foods. But I am so torn with the contradictions! The message of Passover, liberation from slavery, is something that resonates strongly for me. Should the holiday just be about the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in…

Baked Potato Pancakes, Gluten-Free

Can’t view the video below? Click here. These potato pancakes are light and delicious, with little or no oil at all. They are a great party food for any celebration. Top with our REAL Tofu Sour Cream or REAL Apple Sauce or our REAL Apple Cranberry Raisin Butter (Holiday Butter). Recipe includes 4 varieties: plain…

“The Doctors are Out”

“Doctors are Out” OR “I’m not a Health and Wellness Expert, I just play one on TV.” I don’t watch a lot of television. Yesterday morning I was informed about a discussion on The Doctor’s show regarding vegan and raw food so I went to their website and watched the clip. Jillian Michaels was very…

Chemo and Soda on the Rocks, Put it on Uncle Sam’s Tab

Today’s New York Times had two articles in it that made my chemo-tainted blood boil: U.S. Scrambling To Ease Shortage of Vital Medicine and U.S Rejects Mayor’s Plan to Ban Use of Food Stamps to Buy Soda. In the first article we learn that there has been an increase in shortages in drugs used to…

Only REAL disclaimers please.

  SAD is the acronym for Standard American Diet and it is sad indeed. The health of Americans is degrading quickly with some predicting that today’s generation of children will not live as long as their parents.  Our diet is killing us and the planet – with animal agriculture warming the atmosphere and degrading the…