2015 Responsible Eating And Living Fundraiser
Caryn Hartglass and Gary De Mattei founded the not for profit corporation, Responsible Eating And Living (REAL) to educate the public about the benefits of adopting a plant-based lifestyle. The website, ResponsibleEatingAndLiving.com was launched in July of 2011.
Radio: Co-founder and ovarian cancer survivor Hartglass, hosts the weekly Progressive Radio Network Show, It's All About Food, and has interviewed over 400 experts in the whole foods, plant-based, sustainable food movement including doctors, nutritionists, scientists, athletes, activists and chefs, which are now archived on the REAL site. In addition, volunteers across the country have helped transcribe most of these broadcasts for those who might not have the ability to listen to a podcast due to a hearing impairment or just want to scan the piece at their own pace.
Recipes: Hartglass and De Mattei have created over 350 original plant-based recipes and continue to add new ones practically every day. Several of their sumptuous creations have been featured in magazines, periodicals and books such as the upcoming Rodale publication, Living the Farm Sanctuary Life by Gene Baur. Most recently, Hartglass has created the popular daily blog, What Vegans Eat, to answer the most asked question posed to those who eat plants, "What do you eat?"
Video: REAL has created over 50 original videos including:
Live Entertainment: The educational component for REAL, The Swingin' Gourmets, which was featured last year, live, at Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Health Immersion Weekend, is a musical performance of original skits and songs recounting Hartglass' battle with advanced ovarian cancer and De Mattei's lifelong struggle with fad diets and eating disorders. The show ends happily with these two dynamic performers finding each other on stage and joining forces to bring Responsible Eating And Living into the world.
The REAL Fundraiser, The Happy B'Earthday Revue, is a three-hour event to raise funds to support the organization and its programs.
Date: April 22, 2015 (Earth Day and Caryn Hartglass' Birthday)
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
6:00 to 7:30PM: The fundraising event starts at 6:00 PM with complimentary wine, beer, sparkling water and hot and cold passed hors d'oeuvres and a silent auction.
7:30 to 8:30 PM: After the cocktail hour the guests will be entertained by The Swingin' Gourmets when they take the stage to present their idea for the first vegan musical which will include skits, songs and several surprise guest performers from the movement. You won't want to miss this 45-minute show.
8:30 to 9:00 PM: Coffee and cake are added to the menu along with a special surprise guest who takes the stage as the auctioneer doing the live auction, announcing the winners of the silent auction and presenting the cake to Caryn so we can all sing happy birthday to her and the planet earth.
Jade Eatery and Lounge
1 Station Square
Forest Hills, NY
Valet Parking Available
Public Transportation
Long Island Railroad Forest Hills Station (across the street)
Subway: E, F, R, M Trains (2 blocks away)
To purchase tickets to the Happy B'Earthday Revue or to make a tax-deductible donation that will go towards the event click here.
Single tickets are $75.
Sponsorship Benefits:
Advertise to your target audience and support a good cause!
For information about the benefits of underwriting the Happy B'Earthday Revue or to learn about how you can be sponsor at the event click here.