Dear Friends,
Earlier this month, toxins in the drinking water sent residents of Toledo and surrounding communities scrambling to find information and supplies of safe drinking water. Most of those people took the safety of their drinking water for granted until they learned it was filled with dangerous algal cyanotoxin that even boiling could not remove.
With more than 85,000 chemicals in use in our society, we need to ask: Is it safe to drink the water anywhere?
Responsible Eating And Living is offering a FREE one-hour educational seminar that will provide solid information about drinking water safety. Learn FACTS about water purification and the science behind the most effective ways of purifying water.
Reserve your spot now for this FREE ON-LINE EVENT
Water purification expert Glenn Meder will present this seminar on Wednesday, August 20 at 8pm EDT, (7pm CDT / 6pm MDT / 5pm PDT). You will come away with important knowledge about water that can improve the health and safety of your family.
Register now and please share this invitation with your friends and family.
See you on August 20th.
Best regards,
Caryn Hartglass |