Tomorrow on It's All About Food, Tuesday, May 1 at 4pm ET, 1pm PT, the featured guests will be Ian Theasby and Henry Firth, talking about their new book, BOSH!: Simple Recipes · Amazing Food · All Plants.

Henry Firth and Ian Theasby are the creators of the world's biggest and fastest-growing plant-based channel on the internet, BOSH! Best friends from the age of 11, they were running a tech start-up when they realized that the animal products they were eating were harming the planet. They both adopted a plant-based lifestyle and their mission became to make it easier to eat plants. In 2016 they started BOSH! and now have over a million fans, with over 20 million views per month, and they constantly inspire people to cook ultra-tasty and super simple recipes at home.

Living in East London, they are in NYC for the release of their new book and will meet REAL co-founder Caryn Hartglass in the Progressive Radio Network Studio. Tune in live.

Read about REAL in Central America!

Our daily blog What Vegans Eat goes to Costa Rica. Discover what vegans eat all around the rich coast from resorts to the city to the jungle in Days 1158-1170. See how Gary and Caryn celebrated Caryn's 60th birthday with Cuadrado cake and Mozart in the jungle in What Vegans Eat Day 1167.

Are you registered for the 7th Annual Food Revolution Summit?

It's not too late. Tomorrow is Day 4 of this 9-day free event. Each day is packed with the latest and best information on nutrition. Register now!

The 7th Annual Food Revolution Summit, April 28 - May 6

Our latest REAL Recipes