Category: Cakes, Pies

Sunflower Seed Pie Crust: SOS-free

Sunflower Seed Pie Crust, SOS-free

This recipe makes two pie crusts, good for two pies or a bottom and top crust. Ingredients: 1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked in water overnight 2 cups flour, plus more for rolling. You may use any flour. When using wheat we prefer a half and half mix of Organic Whole Einkorn and Organic White Einkorn.…

The Apple Cake Project

It was the beginning of May when we heard from an IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD listener, Donna, to see if we might help her to modify an old family recipe for an apple cake, making it easy, healthier and gluten-free. Plus, she wanted to try using cassava flour. At Responsible Eating And Living Headquarters, we…

Classic French Tarte aux Pommes

Ingredients 8 Apples, organic, cored and quartered lengthwise (We recommend using organic apples. They do not need to be peeled. If the apples are not organic, it’s best to peel them to avoid the concentrated residues of pesticides.) juice of 1/2 lemon 1/4 cup packed, pitted medjool dates (vegan sugar may be used) 1/4 cup…

Purple Sweet Potato Pie

This is another new tradition for our Thanksgiving dessert table. Ingredients 4 Tablespoons ground flax seeds (soaked in coconut milk) 3 cups of coconut milk, separated 1 cup sugar (we use evaporated cane juice) 1 1/4 cups date paste 2 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2…

Vegan Lemon Meringue Pie

We paired our Gluten-Free Crust with Zsu Dever‘s Lemon Custard and Aquafaba Meringue for a perfect pie. It’s amazing! This is REAL meringue without using egg whites. We highly recommend getting her Aquafaba cookbook for all the details about making Aquafaba meringue and a lot more. We made our Aquafaba from cooking chickpeas in water…

Fresh Fruit Tart

This Fresh Fruit Tart is a spectacular summer dessert for a picnic or barbecue. Dark chocolate lines the crust which is filled with a sweet vanilla custard and then topped with fresh fruit. Ingredients: 1 9-inch Pie Crust (make your own or get one ready made) 1/2 cup dairy-free dark chocolate chips 1 cup raw…

Flourless Chocolate Cake

This is a recipe that has been inspired by Vegan Holiday Cooking by Candle Cafe (a must-have cookbook) and modified somewhat. It’s become my new favorite cake. Crust 1/2 cup shredded carrots (about 1 carrot) 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 1/2 cup raw almonds 1/4 cup agave or maple syrup 1 Tablespoon Ener-G Egg Replacer…

Hazelnut Cream Pie

Raw pies, made with whole plant foods like raw nuts and seeds and dried fruit, are luxuriously rich and decadent. There’s no guilt here. Another slice please! For the crust: 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup shredded coconut 1/2 cup pitted medjool dates 1/2 cup raisins For the filling: 1/4 cup…

Caryn’s Carrot Cake, or just Caryn Cake

Carrot Cake has always been one of my favorites, but only when it’s made my way. That’s why I call this cake, Caryn Cake. There’s a secret ingredient that as of today, is no longer a secret! It’s Mace. Mace is a spice made from the outer covering that surrounds nutmeg seeds. The flavor is…