Category: It’s All About Food 2018

Caryn Hartglass & Gary De Mattei, Keep Calm and Go Vegan

Caryn Hartglass & Gary De Mattei, Keep Calm and Go Vegan Responsible Eating And Living Founders, Caryn Hartglass and Gary De Mattei talk about the organization’s 7th anniversary, Caryn’s 11th anniversary being cancer-free from advanced ovarian cancer and eating healthfully while working away from home. Feeling frustrated and powerless with the current government they offer…

Caryn Hartglass, Get Involved in your Life!

  Caryn Hartglass, Get Involved in your Life! Caryn reviews the new film Eating Animals. She asks the questions, “How Involved do you want to be with your life?” and What is the cost of convenience?” Find out more in this program. She shares a new recipe too: Mushroom Ginger Congee.    

Turmeric, Pure Water and Fragrant Air!

Caryn Hartglass, Turmeric, Pure Water and Fragrant Air! With all the buzz about the health benefits of turmeric, Caryn shares some of her newest recipes using this amazing spice. She also talks about water distillation and the need for pure water. With the Linden Trees blooming she highlights the tea made from the Linden Tree…

Matt & Phil Letten (The Vegan Bros), and Michael Harren

  Part I: Matt and Phil Letten (The Vegan Bros), Vodka is Vegan The Vegan Bros, Matt Letten and Phil Letten, are brothers (and bros) who have transformed their lives by adopting a vegan lifestyle. Popular bloggers, health and fitness consultants, and animal-rights advocates, they’ve been featured in mainstream media outlets such as VICE, Business…

Carol Adams, Burger and Marty Krutolow

Carol Adams, Burger Carol J. Adams is the author of numerous books, including The Sexual Politics of Meat, Neither Man nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals and The Pornography of Meat. She is the co-editor of several pathbreaking anthologies, including most recently Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth (with Lori…

Stephane Groleau and Meghan Kelly, Veganic Agriculture

This is a rebroadcast from a show aired in 2009. Veganics! Stephane Groleau and Meghan Kelly founded the Veganic Agriculture Network in 2008 to promote farming and gardening that is free from chemicals and animal by-products. Their website features profiles of veganic farms in North America, and introduces people to the main concepts of…

Barry Wray, GM Mosquitoes

Part I: Barry Wray, GM Mosquitoes Barry Wray helped form the Florida Keys Environmental Coalition in 2010 in response to threats for the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill to the ecosystems and livelihood of the FL Keys. His leadership at that anxious and critical point in time was a rallying point for many within the…

Robert Grillo, Canned Pheasant Hunting

Part 1: Caryn Hartglass, Costa Rica Travel, Food Myths Caryn discusses her experience with food while traveling all around Costa Rica. She gives a summary of the most popular questions of people interested in healthy diets, as asked in the recent Food Revolution Summit.           Part 2. Robert Grillo, Canned Pheasant…