Tag: socca

Socca Breakfast Wraps, gluten-free

Socca makes the perfect wrap. Try them for a hearty breakfast or brunch. Fill them with Baba Ganoush, White Bean Hummus, sautéed escarole, Tahini, olives and hot sauce. Socca/Chickpea Flour Crêpes Recipe

Socca Wraps, gluten-free

Socca or Chickpea Flour Crêpes make a great wrap. We’ve filled our Chickpea Flour Crêpes with leftovers from our REAL American Barbecue food show. This wrap is filled with the following: Barbecue Tempeh Slabs Grilled Vegetables Sautéed Dandelion Greens Wild Rice Blend: 1/2 cup Basmati rice, 1/4 black rice, 1/4 red rice, cooked in 2…

Chickpea Flour Crêpes

Chickpea Flour Crêpes are so easy to make and can be used in many ways. They can be used in place of bread, grilled on the barbecue and wrapped with grilled veggies. Use your imagination. They are a featured recipe in our REAL American Barbecue food show. 1 cup chickpea flour (also called garbanzo bean…