Breakfast: Yesterday’s leftover Salad became my delicious breakfast. Since coming home from Quebec I can’t get enough green salad! This one was expecially good with Arugula, Black Olives and Tomatoes.
Lunch: I spent the day with my mom, taking her food shopping and helping her at home. I grabbed a Dr. Praeger’s Caifornia Veggie Burger while I was there, drank some Green Tea and munched on some mixed Nuts.
Dinner: Once at home, I was greeted with another feast, starting with a gorgeous Salad. The roasted Marinated Tempeh made delicious crumbles for the top of the salad, with Roasted Tofu Strips along the sides.
We’ve been baking our Sweet Potatoes into toast slices lately, instead of fries, making them good vehicles for sauces and schmears!
Gary also made our favorite rice blend, mixing Red, Black and Brown Rices together with millet. We love bowls of this rice topped with Tahini Dressing and Nutritional Yeast. Gary adds hot sauce to his. It’s our savory sundae.