What Vegans Eat – Day 321


Breakfast: Our appetites are returning and we both craved oats. It was a classic mix of rolled oats, apples, apricots, flax seeds and almonds with soy milk. I drank lots of kukitcha tea.
Daily Green Juice: Lacinato Kale, Celery, Ginger, Red Cabbage
Snack: A sweet, ripe banana makes a great mid day snack.
Dinner: Gary’s cooking again. Yay! We had gone out earlier for a very brief walk and picked up some avocados, a pineapple and green onions. We got home and Gary began to do what he does best. Create! He made a wonderfully nourishing and tasty meal.
To start with we had a salad that we call How Did This Costa Rican Pineapple Get In My New York City Slaw. I was surprised at how the fresh pineapple added the perfect fruity, sweet flavor to go with the cabbage.
With the remaining adzuki beans, Gary made this Red Enchilada Sauce Soup which felt especially good with the mild spiciness to help clear our clogged sinuses.
Both dishes were served with REAL Chickpea Flatbread and Avocado.

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