What Vegans Eat – Day 517: Special Travel Edition


Breakfast: Some say breakfast is the most important meal. I believe in eating when hungry. In the morning, sometimes I enjoy being quiet, moving slowly and drinking tea, especially after an exiting evening the night before. I was still humming all the songs from the Diana Ross concert. “STOP, in the name of love…” We had Earl Grey with Soy Milk.
Daily Green Juice: While doing a little grocery shopping at Whole Foods in San Jose I got the Killer Green Buzz green juice.
Lunch: Yesterday I had made lots of Sloppy Millet Maki and it made an easy lunch.
For dessert we tried the Lemon Sherbert I had after letting it freeze overnight. It was hard as a rock so I had to let it sit out for a while. It was a very tart, tasty treat, but the recipe needs improvement in terms of texture and setting once frozen.
Dinner: We were invited for dinner at Gary’s brother Mark and sister-in-law Tammy’s home in Monte Sereno. It was another beautiful evening in paradise and we sat outside sipping Pelligrino for a while before the meal. Gary and I had grilled Bell Peppers, Quinoa cooked with Vegetable Broth, Green Salad with Balsamic Vinegar and a vegetable mix with Broccoli and Cauliflower. It was just right, simple and good. When we were clearing our plates, Tammy remembered the Brussels Sprouts that were cooking in the oven. We took them out and they were perfect, beautifully caramelized. We popped them in our mouths, one by one, like candy until we were stuffed.

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