Breakfast: Not hungry for anything, I made a cup of Kukicha. Gary left to do some errands and I stayed in to prepare for my IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD show tomorrow with Gene Stone and Mike Shanahan. Mike Shanahan wrote a book called Gods, Wasps and Stranglers, The Secret History and Redemptive Future of Fig Trees. While reading about figs, I wanted to eat some. I texted Gary and asked him if he could pick some up.
Lunch: Lunch came late and it was worth the wait. After chewing on a few dried Figs, (thanks, Gary) we had a big Kale Salad with Cherry Tomatoes, Avocado and Walnuts. The Kale was fresh and tender. The Tomatoes were crunchy and sweet.
Next we had our new favorite which I am calling the Pool House Vegan Soup made with Vegetable Broth, Tofu, Sophie’s Kitchen Vegan Shrimp, Field Roast Sausages and Slice, Ancient Harvest Corn/Quinoa Spaghetti plus Cauliflower, Carrots and Bok Choy. What we couldn’t finish we saved for later in the evening.
We were invited up to the main house to visit with Gary’s brother and family. Nephew Josh brought out the vegan ice cream and Gary brought up the cones we bought the other day. I had a cone with Soy Creamy Cherry Chocolate Chip. I love having ice cream in a cone but I think this will be my last for a long while. I’ve had my fill of sugary foods like cones and vegan ice cream for a while.