As we get closer to our Fiddler on the Roof performances there will be more early mornings and late nights of activity, and less sleep. This was one of those early mornings. We had an appointment at 10am to pull set pieces and props to rent from Cabrillo College’s theater department located in Aptos. This meant driving over the hill on route 17 from San Jose to Santa Cruz. If you have been reading about the California mud slides you would know that this highway has taken a beating with an accidental death, and big swaths of earth moving around. Right now one side is closed and both directions of traffic have to squeeze into one lane for a stretch. Heading south was not a problem but we were concerned about returning as we saw bumper to bumper cars not moving for miles.
Lunch: After loading up some cars and trucks with what was needed, Gary and I parted from the rest of the Fiddler team and went to lunch at Dharma’s in Capitola. I ordered my favorite large Gardener’s Salad with Tahini dressing along with a Bancha Green tea
Of course, Gary ordered the Breakfast Burrito with Earl Grey tea. We were both very happy to be there.
Daily Green Juice: Fortunately we made it back without too much of a delay on highway 17. Back at the pool house I was inspired to make fresh juice. We have a juicer extractor here and I got to work. I enjoyed it, not having made my own juice in over a month. I made it extra red for Valentine’s Day with Beets, Beet Greens, Kale, Ginger, Celery and Lemon.
Tea Time: Gary had his regular Earl Grey and I made a cup of Cacoco Fire Walker. I am loving this drink.
Dinner: After our evening rehearsal we got home and had our favorite light meal – Corn Thins with Peanut Butter and Banana with a drizzle of Agave. This time we enjoyed a second glass of the juice I had made earlier in the day. I also finished up what remained in my Valentine’s Day box of Sjaak’s Organic Chocolates.