Breakfast: I slept over my parents’ home since we had another doctor’s appointment to go to today and because I could not leave early enough yesterday to get home in time to find a parking space. My parking “carma” has been good because I have been getting home early enough in the afternoon to grab one of the few spaces that open up. My mom and I sat outside on the patio to enjoy the end-of-summer weather with a cool touch of autumn air, one of my favorite times of year to be outdoors in New York. It went perfectly with one of my favorite breakfasts of uncooked Rolled Oats with Blueberries, Almonds and Almond Milk. I had a cup of Numi Breakfast Blend Tea…not my favorite tea.
My mom’s close friend Eydie had undergone Mohs surgery yesterday for a little skin cancer. Mom wanted to bring her something. I suggested making another Apple Crumble, like I had made yesterday for my parent’s anniversary. Mom liked that idea a lot. As we sat outside, I sliced up the apples. When they are organic, I leave the skins on. It makes the prep a lot easier, not to have to peel them.
I topped the apples with vegan butter, oats and sugar and put it in the oven for an hour. My dad is used to my mom leaving the stove burner lit in the evenings after she makes her tea, because she has mild dementia. When he passed the oven he felt the heat and touched it. He burned his finger! He didn’t know I was baking something and he turned the oven off. He told me about a minute later. I felt so bad. I put a band-aid on his finger and turned the oven back on. The next time I use the oven there will be a note nearby saying that I am baking something! When the crumble was done Mom and I walked it over to her Eydie’s home and presented it. It was still warm!
Lunch: After the doctor’s appointment we went over to Jani’s for a late lunch. I had a steamed Buddha’s Delight with Brown Rice. It was light. None of us were feeling very hungry since the news at the doctor’s office was not very encouraging. While eating I made an appointment for 5:30pm for another test for my dad. Coincidentally it was down the street from the restaurant.
Dinner: I was not planning on staying another night. But after scheduling my dad’s test, I realized I would not have good parking “carma” and decided to stay over. When we got to their house I made a Kale Salad with Garbanzo Beans and Balsamic Vinegar.
Later we enjoyed the remainder of the Apple Crumble I made for them yesterday. I topped mine with So Delicious.