Breakfast: Our flight is late in the morning. We are up and ready to go. Gary scavenged in the refrigerator to find what he could make for a light breakfast – Tortillas with Peanut Butter, Apricot Jam and Raisins.
At the airport we settled in with a couple of Venti Starbucks teas and Walnuts. I got the Chai Teabag with Steamed Soy (the Chai mix has all kinds of crap in it.) and Gary had a Mint tea with Steamed Soy. We brought the Walnuts to munch on.
Lunch: We arrived! I can’t believe it. I have wanted to bring Gary here for over ten years. This is my big birthday celebration trip and I am happy. We arrived at the resort and had Watermelon Water.
Dinner: We easily found food, good food and drink. The restaurant is right here where we are staying. We had Beans, Rice, Salad, Guacamole, Tortillas and Beer. The Howler Monkeys were cheering us on and were close enough to see them in the trees. We don’t speak Spanish (well Gary speaks “restaurant Spanish”) but the staff here is pretty good with English.
Not knowing what the meal would be like, I also ordered us sides of Vegetables.
Evening: After touring the grounds and planning what we will do here during our week stay we hit the bar. Gary wanted the same beer he had at lunch, but somehow things got confusing. He was served a Vodka and Orange Juice drink called the Pura Vida. I decided I would drink it and Gary got his beer. We’re having a party! Pura Vida everybody!