What Vegans Eat – Day 1187


Breakfast: I got up and was ready to celebrate the beautiful morning with Pancakes! I whipped up a batter of Buckwheat Pancakes, with freshly ground buckwheat flour in the Vitamix made with buckwheat groats. I also made a fruit coulis with Bananas, Raspberries, Strawberries and Apples. I happily used the new spoon rest my niece made me for my birthday.

It’s cute, isn’t it? I love it.

I also love big stacks of pancakes. Gary said they were his favorite kind. He says that no matter what kind of pancakes I make.

The coulis was stunning.

And so was my plate.

Lunch: We had a late lunch with Baked Tofu, White Potatoes, Sauerkraut and Green Salad.

Dinner: We had a simple, sweet, hydrating meal of fresh pineapple. Sometimes that’s all you need.


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