What Vegans Eat – Day 1223


Breakfast: I am winding down on my “clear-out-the-refrigerator-and-pantry project” with another day to go. I had my new favorite Mushroom Ginger Congee leftovers and ate out on the terrace.

That wasn’t quite enough. Or maybe I just new there were two ready-made Steel Cut Oat and Millet Waffles waiting for me. I had them, finishing up the jar of Apricot Butter and scraped out maybe a teaspoon or two of Sesame Butter before tossing the jar.

Lunch: The choices are getting slimmer! After drinking the last of the Ginger Beet Juice that I had defrosted from the freezer I wanted something else.

I made a soup with frozen Corn and lots of herbs and spices: Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Parsley and Sage.

Dinner: It was late in the evening when I caved. I had to go out and eat a full meal. There was nothing left to eat aside from cooking up a whole grain which is not what I wanted. I walked to Green Zenphony and ordered the Sizzling Wonder. Was it better than ever because I was hungry? Perhaps. The sauce seemed lighter and not so gooey. Wendy the owner confirmed this, that it was her recommendation.

Of course I got the Sautéed Pea Pod Leaves, thinking of a meal I would make tomorrow with what was leftover.

Oranges are always nice at the end of the meal.


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