Breakfast: Refreshed after a day of “rest” yesterday, I was ready to finish the project I have been working on that is due on Friday. I can’t work tomorrow since I will be an election poll worker from 5am to 10pm! Gary chopped up some Figs, Bananas and Apples and took some Blueberries and Raspberries out of the freezer. We each made our on Oats bowls.
Dinner: I finished! Hurray! The feeling I had reminded me of when I was in college and finished all my finals. It was impossible to relax and come down from all that intense focus. We walked over to Green Zenphony to unwind over dinner. I started with a cocktail – Red Cabbage and Lemon, no added sugar.
I was hungry and ready to eat big food. I started with the Roasted Bean Curd Cold Cut.
Gary had the Veggie Ribs.
He also went with his current Green Zenphony favorite, the Bean Curd Platter Supreme.
Chinese Broccoli was there for both of us.
I chose the very colorful Eggplant in Ginger Brown Sauce.