What Vegans Eat – Day 1382


Breakfast: Mom slept over. She’s got mild dementia and was very confused about her surroundings. I wanted to get her home sooner than later. We slept in and got up late. I couldn’t wait to begin eating our Thanksgiving leftovers, the best part of the holiday. Polenta Stuffing, Pumpkin Seed Crusted Tofu and Turnip Cakes are a great breakfast!

Afterward I took mom to Trader Joe’s on the way to her home. She was extremely tired. When we got to her house I wanted her to lie down and relax. I ran around tidying up, replacing light bulbs and doing odd jobs that needed to be done. Then mom had a mini stroke. It lasted for about five minutes. Her neighbor with EMT experience came over and checked her vitals and she began to return to normal. I brought her to the emergency room at Huntington Hospital. We’ve had a few memorable Thanksgiving holidays like this before. In 2007 Gary and I rushed to the hospital to get me a blood transfusion. I was very low in platelets from chemotherapy at the time. We spent two nights there and my parents brought us Thanksgiving leftovers since we missed the family gathering. Ten years later in 2017, my dad died the day before Thanksgiving. We skipped the holiday last year planning his funeral for the next day. And now mom has had an episode the day after Thanksgiving.
I like Huntington Hospital a lot, She is being observed 24/7. There will always be a nursing assistant sitting by her side. I left feeling she was in good hands.
Dinner: I was dreaming of Thanksgiving leftovers as I drove home. Gary had everything ready when we sat down for a late dinner of Butternut Squash Lasagna, Turnip Cakes, Pumpkin Seed Crusted Tofu and Garlic Mashew Potatoes with Cashew Cream.

Dessert? Yes, please! I’ll have the Purple Sweet Potato Pie with Caramel Marshmallow Topping.


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