First Meal: I had an early doctor’s appointment and when I came back Gary and I sat down for a meal. Often when we liked our dinner so much we’ll have the same thing the next day. And so we did: organic Guacamole, organic Celery and organic Tahini for starters.
This was followed by making our own simple Tacos with organic Garbanzo Beans and organic Corn Tortillas. We sprinkled Bilal’s EasyKale Powder on top.
Second Meal: I am leaving tomorrow for a quick trip to Houston. Gary wanted to make sure I had food to eat. He made a feast for dinner so that there would be leftovers for me to take tomorrow. We had an organic Spaghetti Squash with Pesto Sauce, Bake Tofu marinated in a new and improved “hot dog” spice mix and sautéed organic Kale with organic Red Onions.