First Meal: It plans to be one of those brutally oppressive, hot summer days. I was going to mom’s early. Her home has central air conditioning and she takes advantage of it. Her clubhouse also has a pool and I thought I might get in a swim. I was meeting my friend Janet at mom’s house at 9am. She was picking up the sofa bed I had moved out of my dad’s office to make into a guest room. Her friend Noe who has the truck would be taking Dad’s desk. I was glad these pieces of furniture were going to good homes. Afterwards, we all cooled off with a nice pitcher of water with orange slices my mom had prepared. When they left, I took mom to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. We sat outside in a shady spot. It was lovely. I had the Vegan Cobb Salad of course. I was so hungry, I vacuumed down every bit of it.
Snack: I wanted to get home. I felt bad about leaving Gary at home in the heat. When I arrived I turned on the bedroom AC and then went into the kitchen to make a cool treat. I made us tall glasses of frozen Mango/Banana/Vanilla/Soy Milk Soft Serve treats. That cooled us down for a bit.
Second Meal: The heat can zap all motivation out of you. I had soaked some Garbanzo Beans in the morning and it didn’t take too much energy to rinse them and get them cooking. When we were hungry we had a potpourri of foods found in the kitchen: cooked Cabbage, Kale with Barley Miso Dressing, Sliced Tomatoes, Millet with Creamy Pesto and homemade Hummus.
Snack: The rain has come and dramatically cooled our little world for the short term. We shared a bowl of Air Pop for an evening snack.