First Meal: After our big night out yesterday, we didn’t eat until afternoon. We do that a lot actually, not necessarily intentionally. It’s called intermittent fasting, waiting 12 to 16 hours between your last evening meal and your first meal the next day. I find it easy to do. Today’s first meal was a classic favorite, Beans, Tortillas and Guacamole. I cooked up some Shiitake Mushrooms that I will be adding to some of my meals. I keep them separate because Gary doesn’t like mushrooms. The showstopper for this meal is Gary’s cheesy sauce made with Butternut Squash. He nailed it on the second try. This is a yummy winner.
I could eat this way all the day. Oh wait, I do!
Second Meal: I loved this dinner! To begin we had millet smothered in Gary’s new cheesy sauce. It was total comfort and this is food that’s good for you.
As I promised myself to eat more beets, today I made Borscht. And it’s good, especially with my homemade Cashew Sour Cream. Do you want the recipe?
The Halloween Candy called again! We took a small bowl of UnReal Dark Chocolate Peanut Gems.