What Vegans Eat – Day 225


Breakfast: Oatmeal/Polenta mixed with Apples and Raisins served with Kukitcha Tea.
The weekly delivery from GoOrganicNYC arrived just in time. We thought we had never seen such beautiful kale!
Lunch: Salads are never boring here. I was giddy when I got to the table for lunch and saw this stunning salad with Romaine lettuce, Roma Tomatoes, Walnuts, Olives and Tahini Dressing.
Snack: For an afternoon snack we had some Kukitcha Tea (in the new teapot!!) with a couple of Dates and Figs.
Dinner: You know a dinner was really good when you crave the same thing the next evening: Avocado Maki with Tricolore Quinoa with Spicy Aioli This is a work of art. Gary made a new Asian-Spiced Vegetable Soup to go with it.

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