What Vegans Eat – Day 275


Breakfast: I woke up deliriously hungry. I could not think. I had to eat. There were cooked lentils in the refrigerator. As I heated them up and sipped on Kukitcha team Gary warmed up some corn tortillas in the oven. After eating, I could think again and got to work.
Snack: Gary created a surprise treat, Teeccino Shakes made with Soy Milk, Ice and Maca Powder. Pow! I was supercharged after knocking that down.
Dinner: Back to satisfying basics with a Cabbage/Onion/Carrot/Potato stew.
And a simple Kale Salad.
Evening: Yes, we sometimes crave sweets. Typically we have a few pieces of dark chocolate but there were no bars in the house. I got out the food processor and made these Fruit and Nut Truffles in a matter of minutes. They were rich and tasted decadent and paired well with Rooibos Almond Vanilla Tea.

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