What Vegans Eat – Day 450


Breakfast: There are so many things I love about polenta. It can be served creamy when it’s hot or you can mold it and bake it in the oven until it’s crispy. After we refrigerated yesterday’s Breakfast polenta, Gary unmolded it from the bowl it was stored in, and baked it in a hot oven for about 20 minutes. The result was a Breakfast Polenta Dome, with a little crunch on the outside and creamy on the inside. It was fantastic!
Lunch: We were heading north to see my 10-year-old niece star in a children’s community theater production of Seussical. Gary prepared a picnic dinner for us (see below) to have before the show. He had sautéed some mushrooms, rehydrating them from the dried variety and he saved the mushroom broth for me. I reheated the Green Zenphony leftovers with the mushroom broth and made this wonderful soup.
Dinner: We froze some of our Healthy World Burgers and Gary prepared them for our dinner picnic along with Fries and fresh Pineapple.
Evening: It was a long journey to the theater and back. Once we got home, I did a little work, nibbling on Power Pop.

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