Monday, Monday. Gary headed out to his HB Studio class and I was meeting my parents and brother’s family for lunch. I took the train to Huntington on Long Island while I read Street Farm by Michael Ableman. I would be interviewing him on IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD tomorrow. The family was meeting at the Cheesecake Factory at the Walt Whitman Mall, where I used to hang out as a kid. The mall has completely changed over the years along with the food offerings. It was a 2 mile walk from the train station. As I walked I looked around at the depressed neighborhood, passing by empty paved, fenced in lots. Inspired by Street Farm I envisioned these lots given new life like the urban farms described in the book.
Lunch: At the restaurant, I ordered the Vegan Cobb Salad with Quinoa, Garbanzo Beans, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Green Salad, Beets and Asparagus. It’s pretty good for an industrial operation like the Cheesecake Factory.
When we got back to my parent’s home we had the traditional Fruit Bar – fresh fruits lovingly sliced by my mom, watermelon (her favorite), cantaloupe, honey dew, pineapple, oranges, grapes and strawberries.
Dinner: The train back home was delayed. It was late and cold when I arrived at the home station. Gary met me and we walked home. I was craving Miso Soup to warm me up and I couldn’t make it fast enough. It had Carrots, Onions, Tofu, Mushroom and Collard Green “Noodles”. Mm good.
Gary made the second course, a skillet mix of Onions, Potatoes, Corn and Kale.