Breakfast: I packed a few oranges and lemons from Gary’s cousin’s tree in San Jose, CA. It was nice to bring a little California sunshine back home to New York.
What’s for breakfast? Crispy Oat Waffles of course. We have missed them so much. Gary made me an Apple Banana Compote to go on top.
Lunch: Yesterday’s Quinoa mixed with Romaine for a quick Salad.
We started prepping foods for a photo shoot of new recipes we are making for the upcoming 2017 Food Revolution Summit. There were some tasty little White and Purple Potatoes to dip in Gary’s Marinara.
Daily Green Juice:After being away from home for almost ten weeks, I was happy to roll up my sleeves and make Green Juice! This week’s juice consists of Kale, Collards, Beet Greens, Red Cabbage, Celery, Ginger and lots of fresh lemons from a tree in San Jose. I also was inspired to make a Red Cabbage and Lemon juice like we have at Green Zenphony. Cheers! To life!
Dinner: We worked all day in the kitchen. When everything was all done and the kitchen was cleaned we thought about what to have for dinner. I smiled to myself. How many movies had I seen where great chefs would sit down with their staff after a long day of food preparation and eat a bowl of pasta? I never understood why they did that. Now I did. I told Gary I wanted Brown Rice Pasta with his Marinara.