Breakfast: I got up early (early for us anyway) and made Polenta Cereal with Apples and Coconut. I was in the mood for its bright sunshine color. Toppings included Chopped Walnuts, Cinnamon, Blueberries.
Lunch: Gary was off to an all-day rehearsal for a new play reading he will be performing in tomorrow. I indulged in one of my favorite meals – leftover Chinese Food Soup Bowls. I took the leftover Green Zenphony Brown/Red Rice, Stir Fried Pea Pod Leaves and Veggie Ribs and cooked them together with water and Porcini Mushroom powder. It was heavenly.
Daily Green Juice: It was a busy day for me, doing house projects. I replaced an electrical switch and lamp, did the laundry, replaced the sink filter and made juice. Lots of juice! This juice has Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots and Ginger. Lots of ginger!
Dinner: I was wiped out by the time Gary came home. He made us a comforting meal of Carrots and Onions, and Toasted Buckwheat with Onions.
Evening: Peppermint tea was our choice for this evening’s night cap.