Breakfast: We used to make Corn Bread all the time and then we didn’t. I can’t say why, that’s just the flow of life. Gary made a beautiful Corn Bread this morning. It was like visiting with an old friend, comforting, familiar, good.
Lunch: We nibbled on more Corn Bread for lunch with all the leftover tidbits that needed to go – Red Onion, Avocado and Almond Mozzarella Cheese. It was fun.
Daily Green Juice: Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots, Lemon, Ginger
Dinner: Big soup for dinner, easy, filling, and yummy. We have a few big jars of this Lentil Cabbage Vegetable Soup so we’ll be seeing a lot of it in the next week.
Evening: We finished up with a couple of Lemon Cheesecake Cookies. I plan on making a new version when they are done. Gary doesn’t like lemon as much as he loves vanilla. So the next version will be Vanilla!