Category: BLOGS

The Baked Bagel is here! Vegan and Gluten-free

Bagels Vegan Gluten-Free

This bagel is worthy of your best schmears! It came to me one day, this idea to make a bagel, baked, with gluten-free ingredients. I was surprised at how practically perfect it was on the first try. It was so good, I had to make them again the next day! These first trials were quick…

Magic Cookies by Andrea Hannemann

This recipe is from Plant Over Processed by Andrea Hannemann. It’s incredibly fast and easy and so yummy!   Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups cooked garbanzo beans, unsalted (rinsed) 1/2 cup peanut butter (just peanuts, unsalted) 1/3 cup maple syrup 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/2 cup chocolate chips   Directions: Preheat oven to…

Cilantro Lime Dressing

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups cilantro with stems (packed, not chopped) 1/4 cup lime juice (juice of 2 limes) 1/2 cup water 2 Tablespoons tahini 4 green onions Directions: In a high-powered blender, process all the ingredients together until smooth. Pour in a jar and refrigerate. Dressing will last 3-4 days. Use on salads or as…

Pear Tart, vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free

Wanting to make a pie for Pi day, this tart came together fast. It was fast because I used ingredients we always have on hand: our REAL Apricot Butter and our REAL Cashew Yogurt for the fantastic gluten-free, vegan pie crust. Of course, you can use commercial brands but we encourage you to get in…

Easy-to-Roll Tart Shell or Pie Crust – vegan, gluten-free

caramelized leek tart

This is my new FAVORITE, easy-to-roll, gluten-free pie crust. It was inspired by Ellen Ecker Ogden‘s book, The New Heirloom Garden. Listen to my interview with the author here. I modified her recipe, making it gluten-free and vegan. To begin, I make my own yogurt and my own flour mix. You may use commercial vegan…

Vegan Swaps!

There are so many wonderful vegan cookbooks available today. Why is it then, I still enjoy taking recipes and making them vegan? It’s something I had to do three decades ago when I went vegan because there were very few vegan cookbooks. Now I just enjoy it. I recently reviewed the book The New Heirloom…

Caramelized Leek Tart, vegan, gluten-free

Preparing for my IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD interview with Ellen Ecker Ogden, I reviewed her book, The New Heirloom Garden. It’s beautiful. It has many recipes using heirloom fruits and vegetables but many are not vegan, and include cream, eggs, butter. I can easily veganize most of them using cashew cream for heavy cream, vegan…

Raw Peanut Butter Cookie Dough, vegan, wheat-free

We love Peanut Butter Cookies and these are our favorite. They are easy and fast to make. Eat the dough straight out of the jar or press them into cookies. There’s no guilt here, this recipe is made with real food, with no oil, refined sugar or salt. Ingredients: 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup…

Okuna Okara Salad

Okara is the soy pulp that consists of the insoluble parts of the soybean that remain after cooked, pureed soybeans are filtered in the production of soy milk and tofu. If you like to make your own soy milk and don’t know what to do with the okara, try our Okuna Salad. Ingredients 3 cups…