Category: Legumes, Beans, Pulses

Mung Bean Chili Con Barley

Just in time for Autumn. When you feel a chill in the air, warm up with this hearty stew. 4 cups dry mung beans 5 to 6 quarts of water (approximately) 1 cup of barley 1 jar/can of tomato paste (7oz) 3 large carrots (diced) 3 large celery stalks (diced) 1 large onion (chopped) 2…

Mung Bean Dal

I get the strangest cravings. After watching an episode of Sense8, Season 2 on Netflix where a family is arguing at dinner and releasing the tension by passing around the dal, I knew I had to have some soon. So I made this recipe. Ingredients: 2 cups mung beans 1 red onion, chopped 2 teaspoons…

West African Peanut Stew

This is a vegan version of the classic West African Peanut Stew that is traditionally made with chicken. The first vegan version I made of this dish was all raw, using raw almonds instead of peanuts. While I was being treated for advanced ovarian cancer and going for chemotherapy, Gary and I went on our…

Caryn’s Eggs

Here’s a new scramble recipe. I’m naming it after me! Ingredients 1/2 red onion, chopped 8 ounces firm tofu, mashed 1/4 cup garbanzo bean flour 1 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast 1/4 cup water, plus more if needed Directions In a heavy frying pan or skillet, dry sauté the chopped…

Tasty Tempeh Taco Tuesday “Meat”

Our Tasty Tempeh Taco “Meat” is delicious on Tuesdays and every day of the week. Ingredients: 1 Tablespoon sage 2 teaspoons chili powder 2 teaspoons smokey paprika 1 teaspoons onion powder 1 teaspoons garlic powder 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional) 1/2 teaspoon pepper 8 ounces tempeh 1/4 cup Balsamic vinegar 1…

Roasted Garbanzo Beans

Roasted chickpeas make a great snack or easy food to bring along while on the go. We’ve got four flavors to season them with: Savory, Lemon Herb, Spicy-Smoky and Pumpkin Spice, but you can make them anyway you like. Ingredients 1 cup cooked chickpeas for each flavor mix, rinsed and drained Optional: 1 1/2 teaspoons…

Tofu Scramble in light Dijon Cream

You don’t need a lot of space or many ingredients to make a great dish. While traveling I made this breakfast scramble in an efficiency kitchen where we are staying. We typically save the kale stalks for juicing when we use the leaves for salad. It’s hard to make green juice while traveling so I…

Eggplant DeMattouille (Gary De Mattei’s Ratatouille)

Gary De Mattei whipped this dish up, inspired by Ratatouille and we’re calling it Eggplant DeMattouille. Ingredients 1 8-ounce package marinated tempeh (cut in 2” cubes) 1 large eggplant (chopped to 1” cubes) 2 Yukon Gold potatoes (chopped to 1” cubes) 1 large sweet potato (chopped to 1” cubes) 1 large red onion (rough chopped)…

Chickpea Tomato Stew

Here is an easy recipe that works well, especially if you cook a lot of beans every week and use them in different ways. It’s even better the next day when the flavors have had time to blend. 3 cups cooked chickpeas, rinsed (2 15-16 ounce cans) 3 medium organic Yukon Gold potatoes, cut in…