Category: News

Linda Long Interviews Caryn Hartglass

Linda Long, author of Virgin Vegan interviews REAL founder, Caryn Hartglass at Lincoln Center in Manhattan. CLICK HERE to listen to Caryn Hartglass interview Linda Long on IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD about Virgin Vegan .

Scoop Post interview with Caryn Hartglass

SCOOP POST‘s M. Matics interviews Caryn Hartglass. The Scoop Post strives to be the most reputable online news & story platform of, by, and for urban young adults as consumers. The Scoop Post reports current cultural & sociopolitical developments that would have a significant impact on welfare and lifestyle of urban young adults, and interprets…

10 Non Profits You Need To Know

CONTACT: Caryn Hartglass PHONE: 718-490-0507 EMAIL: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (PRINTER FRIENDLY VERSION – PDF) Responsible Eating And Living selected by VegNews as one of the 10 Non Profits You Need To Know.   OCTOBER 25, 2011, New York, NY. Responsible Eating And Living (REAL), a 501c3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on…

“The Doctors are Out”

“Doctors are Out” OR “I’m not a Health and Wellness Expert, I just play one on TV.” I don’t watch a lot of television. Yesterday morning I was informed about a discussion on The Doctor’s show regarding vegan and raw food so I went to their website and watched the clip. Jillian Michaels was very…

Chemo and Soda on the Rocks, Put it on Uncle Sam’s Tab

Today’s New York Times had two articles in it that made my chemo-tainted blood boil: U.S. Scrambling To Ease Shortage of Vital Medicine and U.S Rejects Mayor’s Plan to Ban Use of Food Stamps to Buy Soda. In the first article we learn that there has been an increase in shortages in drugs used to…

Only REAL disclaimers please.

  SAD is the acronym for Standard American Diet and it is sad indeed. The health of Americans is degrading quickly with some predicting that today’s generation of children will not live as long as their parents.  Our diet is killing us and the planet – with animal agriculture warming the atmosphere and degrading the…