To the REAL community,
We are still here! Many business have had to shut down during the pandemic. We continue to bring you our podcasts, recipes and online events.
Yesterday, as we hunkered down at Responsible Eating And Living Headquarters, we celebrated eleven years of the IT'S ALL ABOUT FOOD podcast broadcast on the Progressive Radio Network. Our 11th Anniversary show is called Nourishing the Soul as Well as the Body. Here we offer updates and tips to keep your immune system strong and calm your anxiety during the pandemic.
In January we did a show called The Vegan Artist's Way, talking about staying healthy during audition season, which is especially relevant during this coronavirus pandemic.
Last week our show was entitled Love in the Time of Corona where we discussed the importance of self-care and community in this time of social distancing.
We have two new comforting and nourishing recipes to offer you while you are quarantined at home. We love using herbs and spices that give lots of flavor but also help keep your immune system strong. Pandemic Pasta Primera and Quinoa Pilaf.
As always we are cooking. We are grateful to have a local business, GoOrganicNYC deliver our organic produce while we stay inside. We are making lots of Green Juice to keep our immune system strong and baking bread because, well, we love to.
Two events this week that REAL was involved with have moved online instead of in-person. The good news is now everyone can attend and participate from wherever you are.
Tonight at 7:30pm ET Plant Powered Metro NY is hosting Plant-Power Your Life: Achievable Steps to Overcoming Chronic Illness with Caryn Hartglass. It's free. More info here: Plant-Power Your Life.
This Saturday, Pamela A. Popper, Ph.D, N.D. and Caryn Hartglass are guest speakers who will be presenting along with the conference hosts, Jaimela Dulaney, MD and Addie Dulaney Majnaric RDN. More info here: The 2020 Plant Based Wellness Audio Conference
Remember to follow standard food-safety protocols, wash your hands before and after touching food, wash all kitchen tools before and after using and disinfect surfaces regularly. Scrub root vegetables and rinse other produce. Use cool water to wash vegetables. If there is any contamination on them, you don't want it to get absorbed into the food and hot water will encourage that. All the packaging materials, plastic containers and boxes may carry the virus and we are learning that it can live on those surfaces for a few hours or even days. So we need to be careful about using them, disposing of them and always washing hands and never touching the face with unwashed hands.
Wishing you patience and a strong immune system to get through this surreal time.
Lots of love,
Caryn Hartglass and Gary De Mattei