What Vegans Eat – Day 1133


Breakfast: A made a quick visit to my mom before eating breakfast. Gary and I were going to be leaving for California in a couple of days and I wanted to make sure she had everything she needed while I was away. When I got to mom’s I surveyed the refrigerator and freezer. I like to move the older stuff out, just like I do at home. There were a bunch of frozen bananas, and open bag of frozen blueberries and a large, already opened container of Almond Milk. There were the makings of a morning smoothie. I added vanilla too. If I had made it for just me, I would have added greens and flax seeds but I kept it simple and sweet for mom, and served them in glasses with some fun Yiddish expressions.

Green Juice: Back at home, Gary has defrosted a couple of green juices. They had Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots, Cabbage, Lemon and Ginger.
Dinner:I craved yesterday’s dinner and we had it all over again, easier with leftovers: Escarole, Spaghetti Squash with Marinara, topped with Almond Ricotta.

Gary baked up an evening treat – Apples stuffed with Cinnamon and Raisins cooked with a Millet Pudding.


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