What Vegans Eat – Day 1255, Travel Edition – Bay Area, CA


Breakfast: Once again breakfast came late at 1pm. I finished up the Into the Woods music rehearsal for the teens in the morning and Gary does the staging at 1pm. I was too busy during the lunch break and took a little time at the beginning of the afternoon rehearsal to eat: Polenta with Walnuts and raisins.
Lunch: After the teen rehearsal we went to Whole Foods for our “lunch” at 5pm. We were looking for Corn Thins but Whole Foods doesn’t stock them. Bad, bad Whole Foods. We don’t like them now that they are Amazon. We bought Rice Cakes instead, ground up fresh Peanut Butter with their machine and bought more Evolution Juices.

Back at the theater I made a quick Salad with Greens, Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes and Lemon Juice which I ate during rehearsal.

Dinner: For our evening supper Gary made a dish with everything in the refrigerated, a sort of Putanesca, (Prostitute’s Stew). Who names these things? It had Black Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Greens, Polenta, Olives and Sriracha Sauce.

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