What Vegans Eat – Day 1297


Brunch: I’ll confess, we turned on the AC last night. It’s been so hot and sleeping would have been impossible. I got up and went into the hot, humid kitchen to make brunch. I was inspired. I made a Tofu Scramble with Onions, Garlic, Carrots, Celery and an herbed Chickpea Flour Batter. Then I made us Strawberry Banana Shakes with unsweetened Soy Milk and a little Almond Extract. I blended in a whole tray of ice to make it frosty. We set up a small bistro table in the bedroom and ate in the cool, dehumidified air.

Dinner: The heat is more bearable outdoors. We walked to Green Zenphony for dinner. We had the traditional Chinese Broccoli.

Gary chose the Sizzling Beans Curd.

I tried the Unagi (veggie eel) again. It’s good. I have no idea what it is made of!

Evening: Later in the evening we had some Mint Tea and Dark Chocolate.


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