Breakfast: Gary stands by the fire on the stove most mornings carefully, mindfully making his Soy Milk Foam for the Teeccino. It’s a beautiful sight to behold, almost as lovely as the final product.
Lunch: When I was hungry at 11am, I filled a bowl of the Adzuki Bean and Corn Stew. It kept me for most of the day. It had to!
Dinner: For a long time I have been wanting to attend a Vegan Lady Boss meeting. Tonight was the night. We don’t have a big inventory of food in the house since we will be going on a trip in a few days. I surveyed what we had, Raisins, Walnuts, Almonds and Pumpkin Seeds, and made Truffles, mixing them together in a food processor and rolling them into bite size balls. I put them each in pretty little paper cups and was off.
The meeting was amazing. I loved the energy in the room and enjoyed everyone’s stories. Victoria Moran was the host and featured speaker and she did a wonderful job talking about the importance of storytelling in public speaking. She also made a healthy green salad for the food tables.
I did not come to the meeting to eat and didn’t look at all the offerings until the meeting was almost over. There was the sweet table with Strawberries, my organic fruit/nut Truffles, and a lot of store bought cookies and muffins. And since the founder of VLB is Liz Dee, co-president of the Smarties Candy Company, there were plenty of Smarties Candy.
Monk’s Meats, a vegan maker of Seitan products provided skewers and sandwiches. Everyone loved them. I tried a small piece of one of the skewered chunks. I am avoiding wheat products, especially when they are refined and not organic. They don’t sit well with me. The piece I tried was full of flavor, juicy and chewy and overloaded with SALT. Wow, it had so much salt. But that’s what people like, right?
Then there was a junk food table of Veggie Sticks and more store bought Muffins. This is a meeting of mostly young women, who are busy vegans and obviously don’t have the time or inclination to prepare food. In today’s world here in NYC, there are plenty of vegan products to grab and bring to a meeting. As I said, I didn’t come to eat, and I loved the energy of the meeting, but honestly I was disappointed with the quality of the food. It was not healthy.
Evening: Gary knows me well. He welcomed me home with a steamy bowl of Miso Soup, filled with lots of nourishing goodies. I loved every spoonful!