What Vegans Eat – Day 1455


First Meal: The plan today is to go to Pearl Studios for an audition and get home as early as possible to finish writing an article, prepare for my radio show tomorrow and then get to my mom’s house to spend the night. I made a big pot of organic Steel Cut Oats with organic Raisins and organic Cinnamon to get me started and have leftover for the next few days.

My plan was derailed from the beginning. I left later than I wanted to. When I got to the audition all the slots were full and I was number 49 on the alternate list. I knew I would get in but I would have to wait. At least I brought with me my new thermos (Thanks, Nadja) that I filled with hot organic Maté Tea with organic Soy Milk. Still I needed to finish writing an article. I took out a pen and a pad and began to write, the old-fashioned way. When I finished it, I typed it on my phone and sent it to Gary to edit. (Thanks, Gary)

Second Meal:
I got to sing my song and recite my monologue at about 2:45pm. I was pleased and got on the subway to go home. For lunch I had organic Yellow Split Pea Soup with a hearty dollop of organic Almond Ricotta.

Third Meal: I managed to finish all the tasks I had to do for today and I left to go to my mom’s home. When I arrived she had food prepared for me: Dr. Praeger Veggie Burgers, baked organic White Potatoes and baked organic Sweet Potatoes.

I had to have a salad. I put one together with organic Romaine Lettuce, organic Blueberries, Green Olives, organic Red Onion and splashed with Red Wine Vinegar. We sat up chatting about world problems drinking Green Tea. I stayed up late, editing my article and talking to Gary who has been in California for weeks. I will join him in one week.


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