First Meal: I’ve been taking risks trying different flavor combinations for new breakfast bean dishes. I really like this one. I warmed up organic Black Beans, organic Purple Sweet Potatoes, organic Yellow Corn and organic Blueberries together.
Second Meal: I had a rough few hours on the phone trying to resolve an issue with my dental insurance that is not my fault. It’s still not fixed but I am hoping it will be in a few days. I worked up a big hunger and made a quick organic Mixed Baby Greens Salad with the organic Almond Ricotta/Apple CIder Vinegar Dressing I made yesterday. Afterwards I sipped on an organic Green Juice (Kale, Celery, Carrots, Broccoli, Lemon) along with Brazil Nuts
Third Meal: Still feeling wounded from my earlier phone calls, I went for comfort foods. First up, organic Air Pop, with Nutritional Yeast.
Next, an organic Apple. It was easy.
Last but not least, a Chocolate Shake made with a frozen organic Banana, organic Cocoa, organic Peanut Butter and Soy Milk. Now, I am feeling comforted.
Fourth Meal: With a grant proposal finished and ready to mail, I made a bowl of Sautéed Baby Kale with Garlic and a light dressing made with the remaining Almond Ricotta/Apple Cider Dressing mixed with water and Nutritional Yeast. If you are going to have a late night snack this is what it should be, IMO.