First Meal: It’s been bugging me for awhile. I wanted to take a second attempt at vegan, gluten-free Japanese Silk Pancakes. The last time I made them I didn’t have the molds. Now we had them and I was itching to make them. We did it. It was a little nerve wracking wondering if they would stay together or fall apart but they came out great. We had them with a Blueberry Coulis.
Second Meal: After a long walk, Gary and I sat down for a Kale Salad. Mine had mushrooms.
We finished up the rest of the pancakes, topping them with Pesto and Roasted Veggies.
Third Meal: I was meeting my friend Rachael for dinner. She is from Brooklyn but lives in Paris and is home visiting and taking care of some business. I wasn’t really hungry but couldn’t resist indulging at the Organic Grill. I haven’t been here in over 15 years. I forgot how good it was! Rachael had one of the housemade Burgers.
I chose the Rancheros that came with a Tofu Scramble and Cheesy Sauce. It was so yummy.
Ven Leeuwen was nearby so we went for ice cream. I wanted to try them again. It was too salty for me the last time I was there with Gary last week. I tasted a few flavors and opted again for the Mint Chip. It was indeed too salty for me. It was fun, but I think I will skip this shop in the future. They won’t miss me. There are always long lines waiting to be served.