First Meal: We didn’t eat a lot yesterday but we did eat late. Intermittent fasting is when you wait 12-16 hours after your last meal of the day before you eat again the next day. We ate at 11pm last night, went to sleep late and got up late. Then we took a long walk. By 3pm we were ready to eat, and the food came out. We had a big Romaine Lettuce Salad, Pinto Beans, Tofu Masala, Purple Potatoes, Purple Sweet Potatoes and Tortilla Chips made from simple Corn Tortillas. Plus there was the sauce. Gary’s experimenting with Cheesy Sauce made with Butternut Squash. He’s on to something good.
Second Meal: Our first meal kept us fueled for a long time. In the evening we had a pile of Red Grapes and our Green Juices, made with Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots and lots of Ginger.
Treat: We picked up these Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge Non-Dairy Bars by Haagen Daz at a nearby store and I indulged in one. Vegans have come a long way now that major ice cream brands are making products for us. I enjoyed it.