Breakfast: We clearly love oatmeal but sometimes a change is nice, especially when it’s creamy Polenta Cereal. Gary made it just right with Apples and Raisins and I topped mine with Pomegranate Seeds and Strawberries. I had my Kukitcha Twig Tea and Gary had Earl Grey Tea.
Lunch: We hadn’t finished up the Butter Leaf Lettuce. It was a big head! Yesterday’s salad was so good (Butter Lettuce, Pomegranate Seeds and Lime Juice), we had it again only this time with added Olives and Sunflower Seeds.
Daily Green Juice: Kale, Collards, Cabbage, Carrots, Limes, Lemons
Dinner: It was Tofurky Tuesday at our house. Gary made a sumptuous dish of Cabbage, Onions and Carrots stewed in beer and served it with Tofurky Kielbasa. He served it with its rich broth on the side.
Dessert: There are still plenty of treats leftover from filming our Haloween food show. We had a few Biscotti dipped in Chocolate Fondue.