Twas the day before Christmas and all through the apartment two humans were still sick and it was the worst day thus far for both of them. Or it sure felt like it. I did not sleep well. I had no energy. I had a sinus headache and a sour feeling in my stomach. I had no desire to eat. I stayed horizontal most of the day. I don’t think Gary felt much better but he managed to go out and buy a few things he felt we needed. He bought a few bottles of Pelligrino that he hoped would help my sour stomach. I sipped on a little. And then I slept.
Dinner: After a very long day of rest and reading I had the desire to eat a little. I had brown rice with avocado.
Evening: Still feeling sick but much better we had a little treat for Christmas Eve, Vanilla So Delicious Ice Cream. It was not at all what we had planned for this night. It was good just to feel like eating a little.