Breakfast: Not all wishes can be granted but when Gary dreams of Blueberry Pancakes, I know that this is something I can make come true. I prepared a tall stack of pancakes for breakfast after hearing his dreamy wish the night before. I think pancakes are fun to make too. Basically I take a bowl to blend the ground flax seeds with water – that’s the “egg”. To that I’ll add the other liquid ingredients – apple cider vinegar, more water, a little maple syrup. Then I’ll mix together the flours and baking powder. For this mix that was rice flour and sorghum flour. I don’t always do this part but I think it adds some lightness. I’ll take a couple of tablespoons of Ener-G Egg Replacer in water and beat it with a whisk making it light and foamy. I’ll mix the wet ingredients with the dry and then fold in the “egg whites”. Last but not least, I’ll mix in the blueberries. Here is our recipe for Blueberry Pancakes. We had them with Sliced Oranges and I made some Thyme Tea.
Lunch: Finally I felt a real appetite for eating like I hadn’t felt since our flu week began. I invited Gary out to Green Zenphony for a late lunch. Gary had the wonton soup.
I got the miso soup and I loved it. It had little bits of wakame, a sea vegetable that I love.
I got the triple mushroom with bean curd deluxe which was fantastic! They use the traditional soft bean curd and fry it so it’s crispy on the outside and soft and custardy on the inside.
Gary got the Veggie-Beef Chow Fun.
And of course we had to have an order of Stir Fried Pea Pod Leaves.
And there were leftovers so I’ll be making my favorite Green Zenphony big bowl of leftovers soup for tomorrow.
Daily Green Juice: I learned something about green juice today. I interviewed my friend Bilal Qizibash and his professor Elizabeth Brandon 2 years ago talking about their work on Kale Juice and melanoma. I emailed him with some questions regarding kale and melanoma and he was quick to call me right back! Bilal pointed out that it is fresh or frozen kale juice that kills the melanoma cells, and cooked kale does not have this effect. This is such an important finding! Please make sure you are eating some raw, fresh kale every day.