Breakfast: I was not hungry and I was excited the adventure we had planned for the day. We were off to Manhattan to pick up gift bag donations for our upcoming Happy B’Earthday Revue. I had a cup of Kukitcha Green Tea and a slice of dry, sprouted wheat toast. We were off.
We went to May Way in Manhattan’s Chinatown. Lily of May Wah had generously donated two large boxes of plant-based meats. This business is celebrating its 20th anniversary of helping people transition off the animal with delicious plant-based meat products. We stuffed our backpacks and the wheelie we had brought along.
Next was to do some quick food shopping. We had a photo shoot to do the next day for a client and we didn’t have all the ingredients for the dishes to be prepared. We stopped into several shops in Chinatown and Little Italy to get what was needed. What fun! We were tourists in our own city.
Once home and everything was unloaded we had to go out again. We picked up olives and dates at our favorite Middle Eastern Store while looking for specific items for our photo shoot. Once we got home, after many hours of thinking about shooting food photographs and planning an event about food it was time to actually eat something. I was starving. We munched on olives and dates!
Daily Green Juice: Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots, Lemon, Lime
Dinner: I made a quick kale salad with Creamy Balsamic Dressing. I was extremely thirsty and grabbed a bottle of Oolong tea. It was good in the moment, but when trying to fall asleep several hours later I regretted it. I can’t have caffeine at night!
Evening: Peppermint Tea