Breakfast: The water in the kitchen is still off. I was super hungry but didn’t want to dirty any dishes. I made a cup of Bai Mu Dan tea and had a couple of Corn Thins with Apricot Butter and Pine Nuts. I am so grateful for Corn Thins!
Lunch: Gary and I had our holiday haircut appointments. Afterwards, hungry but not wanting to return to our “dry” kitchen we agreed to meet at the Red Pipe Cafe. We had our new favorites: Hot Cocoa with Almond Milk and vegan Scones. Today’s scone was Raspberry Lemon Poppyseed.
Dinner: The water in the kitchen was back! Hallelujah. This was cause for celebration and cooking. I made Avocado Maki with Brown, Red and Black Rice, Sesame Seeds and my home grown Daikon Radish Sprouts. They are beautiful.
Today’s Miso soup made with Carrots, Red Cabbage, Red Onion, Chickpea Miso, Wakame had a secret ingredient. Gary made Creamy Balsamic Dressing with added Nutritional Yeast. There is always some leftover dressing stuck in the bottom of the Vitamix by the blade. We don’t like to waste. Gary diluted it with a little water and added it to the soup. Wow! It was just the right touch of flavor.
We set everything out to enjoy. In addition dressing a Green Salad, Gary mixed the dressing with some Wasabi and it made a creamy dip for the Maki. I brewed a fresh pot of Jasmine tea and we sat down, sharing a bottle of Sam Smith’s Organic Lager.
We ate about half of our relaxing, romantic dinner, enjoying the good food, when our doorbell rang. Our 90-year-old neighbor had an emergency. She dropped her flip phone in the sink and it got wet. Her landline no longer works – she used a rotary phone and had never upgraded to a digital line; Verizon was no longer supporting it. Without a cell phone she had no way to communicate to anyone. I served her some soup and maki and tried to figure out her best option. Gary and I walked to the local Sprint store but they didn’t have a simple phone for her. Back home, online, I found her a deal, free, plus expedited shipping. She should have her phone in a day or two. Meanwhile, our quiet, romantic dinner would have to be recreated another time.
Daily Green Juice: Kale, Collards, Red Cabbage, Celery, Carrots, Ginger, Lemon
Evening: After all the cell phone excitement, I treated myself to Corn Thins with Avocado and Black Pepper. It’s another good day that begins and ends with Corn Thins.